Geocaching Education

Keeping New and Seasoned Cachers in the Know

Our Education Committee and Webmaster are currently reviewing and updating our old PowerPoint Presentations and educational materials from our old website.  We will soon be filling this section of our website with updated and brand new educational materials.  We are also working on our new YouTube channel which will be primarily used for providing educational content.  Our mission is to bring these Educational presentations right to your own living room instead of the infrequent in-person events we used in years gone by.  These are big goals and we can always use assistance in these ventures.  If you have skills, time, or ideas to contribute, feel free to contact us.  


Meanwhile, here are most of our older PowerPoint Presentations that are available to use as reference materials.  The majority of these were presented live during one of our EduVent sessions.  Thanks to a special arrangement authorized by Groundspeak (GC HQ), we were able to broadcast most of these events live to remote locations around Alaska.  Geocachers at these remote sites were able to participate in the training and log attendance at the event.  You are welcome to download these for personal use or link to this page to share them with others.  Please do NOT post these files elsewhere!  Click on the thumbnail image to open a PDF file from these original EduVent presentations (Educational Events).  Please realize that some of the screenshots and information in these presentations will not align with current practices or the state of the current geocaching website as many of them are over a decade old.  Many of these presentations were repeated multiple times over the years, so the slides from different sessions may be nearly identical.  These presentations are provided for reference only. 

Basics of Geocaching

Geocaching Fundamentals   Geocaching FUNdamentals EduVent 3-23-2010 by Ladybug Kids 

Intro to Geocaching   Introduction to Geocaching 6-5-2010 by Saidbystacy

Intro to Geocaching   Introduction to Geocaching in Alaska, talking points handout by NorthWes 

Cache Finding   Cache Finding FUNdamentals EduVent 9-29-2011 by NorthWes 

Geocaching   Geocaching FUNdamentals EduVent 2-16-2012 by NorthWes 

Cache Hunting   Cache Hunting FUNdamentals EduVent 5-16-2013 by NorthWes 

Geocaching 101  Geocaching 101 – A Beginners’ Guide to the Game – 2013 by NeverSummer 


SWAG, Trackables, & Pathtags 

Geo SWAG   GeoSWAG FUNdamentals EduVent 6-10-2010 by Capra Hircus and FTL-AK 

Trackables   Trackables FUNdamentals EduVent 3-15-2012 by cavyguy 

Pathtag Design   Signature Items and Pathtags FUNdamentals EduVent 3-21-2013 by poodle chic 


Tools of the Trade 

TOTT   Geocaching TOTT FUNdamentals EduVent 9-25-2014 by Mac_5115 


Other Cache Types 

Oddball Caches   Oddball Cache Types EduVent 2-17-2011 by Li1gray 


Pocket Queries and GSAK 

Pocket Queries   Pocket Query FUNdamentals EduVent 10-14-2010 by BlazingPathways and Ladybug Kids 

GSAK Fundamentals   GSAK FUNdamentals EduVent 11-11-2010 by BlazingPathways and Ladybug Kids 

GSAK Macros   GSAK Basic Macros FUNdamentals EduVent 3-17-2011 by BlazingPathways 

PQ GSAK   Pocket Queries and Basic GSAK FUNdamentals EduVent 11-15-2012 by BlazingPathways 


GPS Operations 

GPS Operations   GPS Operation FUNdamentals EduVent 4-13-2011 by SSO JOAT 

GPS Ops NW Trails   GPS Operations and NW Trails EduVent 10-18-2012 by cavyguy 

Phone App   Phone App and GPS Operations FUNdamentals EduVent 4-16-2015 by NorthWes 


Puzzle Caching 

Puzzle Caching   Puzzle Caching FUNdamentals EduVent 9-16-2010 by SSO JOAT 

Puzzles   Puzzle Solving FUNdamentals EduVent 10-27-2011 by SSO JOAT 

Puzzles    Puzzle Solving FUNdamentals EduVent 8-16-2012 by Polgera 


Placing a Geocache 

Cache Submittal   Cache Submittal FUNdamentals EduVent 5-13-2010 by BlazingPathways and Ladybug Kids 

Cache Placement  Cache Placement FUNdamentals EduVent 8-19-2010 by NC_Cachegeek 

Groundspeak Reviewers    Groundspeak Reviewer FUNdamentals EduVent 12-16-2010 by Greatland Reviewer 

Cache Placement   Geocache Placement FUNdamentals EduVent 4-19-2012 by FlightRiskAK 

Cache Submissions   Geocache Submission FUNdamentals EduVent 5-15-2012 by Ladybug Kids 

Cache Hiding   Cache Hiding FUNdamentals EduVent 11-21-2013 by NeverSummer and freeweez 

Cache Placement   Geocache Placement FUNdamentals EduVent 4-24-2014 by NorthWes 

Cache Location   Cache LOCATION FUNdamentals EduVent 2-21-2019 by Greatland Reviewer 


HTML for Geocaching – GCAK Forums 

HTML Coding   Geocaching HTML and BBCode FUNdamentals EduVent 9-18-2012 by SSO JOAT 

Forums   Forums and Website FUNdamentals EduVent 4-18-2013 by SSO JOAT 


Event Hosting 

Events   Geocaching Event FUNdamentals EduVent 3-19-2015 by NorthWes 

Event FUNdamentals   Geocaching Event Hosting FUNdamentals EduVent 2-18-2016 by FTL-AK 



Earthcaching   EarthCaching FUNdamentals EduVent 4-15-2010 by NorthWes 

Earthcaching II   EarthCaching FUNdamentals Reloaded EduVent 5-26-2011 by NorthWes

Earthcache Photo Album   Earthcaching Photo Album by Ladybug Kids 

Earthcaching   Earthcaching FUNdamentals III EduVent 3-20-2014 by NorthWes 


Geocaching Outdoor Safety and First Aid 

Outdoor Safety  Geocaching Outdoor Safety FUNdamentals EduVent 2-21-2013 by SSO JOAT 

Outdoor Safety   Geocaching Outdoor Safety FUNdamentals EduVent 8-21-2014 by Mac_5115 and NorthWes 

First Aid   Basic First Aid on the Trails EduVent 7-19-2018 by SSO JOAT 



Benchmarking  Benchmarking FUNdamentals EduVent 7-22-2010 by NorthWes 


European Vacation Travel Log

Euroschmaching Euroschmaching: 12 Countries in 12 Days 6-16-2011 by Ladybug Kids 


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Geocaching Treasures

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