Land Manager Contacts

One of the basic tenets of geocaching is not to place a cache without approval of the appropriate land manager.  Below is contact information for several managers of Alaska’s public lands. 

IMPORTANT!!!  If you don’t see an area where you want to place a cache listed below, you should assume there is not an agreement with the land manager regarding geocache placement.  You should contact the land manager, obtain permission, and contact the GeocacheAlaska! Webmaster with the details so this page may be updated.  The GeocacheAlaska! Advocacy Committee can assist with information on how to talk to a land manager.’s Land Manager & Law Enforcement Information

Groundspeak’s Land Manager Communication Protocol



Terrific resources to determine land ownership that are available in many communities are web-based Global Information Systems (GIS).  These online databases/applications provide means to identify land ownership and use designations using a combination of mapping tools and tax records.  A non-comprehensive list of links to Alaskan GIS databases follows:

Alaska State Geo-Spatial Data Clearinghouse           Municipality of Anchorage
Bethel Planning Department                                           Fairbanks North Star Borough
City/Borough of Juneau                                                   Kenai Peninsula Borough
Ketchikan Gateway Borough                                          Kodiak Borough
Matanuska-Susitna Borough

A high level tutorial on how to use this databases is provided in the February 2015 GeocacheAlaska! newsletter.

Alaska State Parks
GeocacheAlaska! has a blanket permit with Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation for placement of traditional geocaches and Earthcaches within the Alaska State Parks lands.  The current permit is 15-KA-1994 and is valid through 12/31/2020.  Download the permit here and be sure to read and comply with all the stipulations prior to placing a cache in the affected State Park areas.  All caches must have the permit number on the inside of the cache along with the cache owner’s contact information.  On the outside of the cache, you must write “Alaska State Parks Permit #15-KA-1994 Geocache AK” in permanent marking.  The cache listing must state “Cache placed under GeocacheAlaska! Park Use Permit #15-KA-1994” within the description section.  In order to speed up publishing a new cache under this permit, write a Reviewer Note that states that you have complied with all terms of this permit and describe your geocache container.  Containers must be durable, watertight, animal-resistant and no greater in size than a “regular” 50-cal ammo can. 

The State Parks land parcels that are covered by the permit are listed below.  You may click on the parcel name to download a gpx file of the parcel’s boundaries to upload to your GPS or use with GoogleEarth, Garmin Basecamp, Garmin Mapsource, and many other mapping applications.

To download a file, click on the park name, choose “Save As,” and select the desired location on your hard drive. Once the file is on your hard drive, double click on the file, click “Extract all files,” keep the existing name or change the name, and click “extract.”  Now that the file is unzipped, it’s ready to be used in any number of applications.  Visit this thread in the GeocacheAlaska! Forums or reference the March 2015 newsletter for instructions for how to upload the file to your GPS or a map application.

Zipped folder of ALL affected Alaska State Parks (1.5MB)
Afognak Island State Fort Abercrombie State Historical Pioneer Park State Recreation
Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Funter Bay State Marine Point Bridget State
Aleutian Islands State Marine Goldstream Public Use Porcupine Creek State Recreation
Alexander River Recreation Granite Bay State Marine Portage Cove State Recreation
Anchor River State Recreation Grindall Island State Marine Potter Section House State Historic
Baranof Castle State Historic Halibut Point State Recreation Quartz Lake State Recreation
Beecher Pass Hanson Memorial State Recreation Refuge Cove State Recreation
Bettles Bay State Marine Hanson Memorial State Recreation Rocky Lake State Recreation
Big Bear_Baby Bear Bays State Marine Harding Lake State Recreation Safety Cove State Marine
Big Delta State Historical Hatcher Pass Public Use Saint James Bay State Marine
Big Lake North State Recreation Horseshoe Bay State Marine Salcha River State Recreation
Big Lake South State Recreation Independence Mine State Histroical Sandspit Point State Marine
Birch Lake State Recreation Jack Bay State Marine Sawmill Bay State Marine
Black Sands Beach State Marine Joe Mace Island State Marine Scout Lake State Recreation
Blair Lake State Recreation Johnson Creek State Recreation Security Bay State Marine
Blueberry Lake State Recreation Johnson Lake State Recreation Settlers Cove State Recreataion
Bonnie Lake State Recreation Kachemak Bay State and Wilderness Shelter Island State Marine
Boswell Bay Beaches State Marine Kasilof River State Recreation Shoup Bay State Marine
Buskin River State Recreation Kayak Island State Marine Shoup Glacier State Marine
Caines Head State Recreation Kenai River Special Management Shuyak Island State
Canoe Passage State Marine Kepler-Bradley State Recreation Skagway
Captain Cook State Recreation King Mountain State Recreation South Esther Island State Marine
Chena River State Recreation Kroto Creek and Moose Creek State Recreation Squirrel Creek State Recreation
Chilkat Islands State Marine Lake Aleknagik State Recreation Stariski State Recreation
Chilkoot Lake State Recreation Lake Creek State Recreation Sullivan Island State Marine
Chugach State Lake Louise State Recreation Summit Lake State Recreation
Clam Gulch State Recreation Lake View Sunny Cove State Marine
Clearwater State Recreation Liberty Falls State Recreation Surprise Cove State Marine
Crooked Creek State Recreation Little Nelchina State Recreation Surprise Ridge State Marine
Dall Bay State Marine Little Susitna State Recreation Taku Harbor State Marine
Deadman Lake Little Tonsina State Recreation Talachulitna State Recreation
Decision Long Lake State Recreation Talkeetna State Recreation
Deep Creek State Recreation Lowell Point State Recreation The Pillars Kenai River Special Management
Delta State Recreation Lower Chatanika River State Recreation Thoms Place State Marine
Denali State Magoun Islands State Marine Thumb Cove State Marine
Donnelly Creek State Recreation Matanuska Glacier State Recreation Tok River State Recreation
Driftwood Bay State Marine Montana Creek State Recreation Tokositna River State Recreation
Dry Creek Moon Lake State Recreation Totem Bight State Historical
Dry Creek State Recreation Mosquito Lake State Recreation Upper Chatanika River State Recreation
Eagle Beach State Recreation Nancy Lake State Recreation Upper Kasilof River State Recreation
Eagle Trail State Recreation Nancy Lake State Recreation Wickersham State Historic
Earnest Gruening State Historical Nelchina Public Use Willow Creek State Recreation
Entry Cove State Marine Ninilchik State Recreation Wolf Lake State Recreation
Ernie Haugen Public Use Old Sitka State Historical Wood-Tikchik State
Fielding Lake State Recreation Oliver Inlet State Marine Worthington Glacier State Recreation
Finger Lake State Recreation Petroglyph Beach State Historical Ziegler Cove State Marine


United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wildlife Refuges

Physical cache containers are not allowed in any National Wildlife Refuge under USFWS jurisdiction in Alaska.  

The affected refuges in Alaska are:

  Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
  Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge
  Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
  Becharof National Wildlife Refuge
  Innoko National Wildlife Refuge
  Izembek National Wildlife Refuge
  Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge
  Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
  Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge
  Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge
  Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge
  Selawik National Wildlife Refuge
  Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge
  Togiak National Wildlife Refuge
  Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
  Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge

GPX files for boundaries of the hyperlinked refuges may be downloaded for personal use.

A kmz formatted file for all Alaska National Wildlife Refuges may be downloaded from the USFWS Geospacial Services webpage.  This file may then be uploaded into GoogleEarth for viewing.

Alaska Native Corporation Lands

Caches of any kind may not be placed on Alaska Native Corporation Lands without explicit written permission from the appropriate Corporation.  Examples of Alaska Native Corporation Lands include, but are not limited to,  the 157,000 acres of Eklutna Incorporated lands between Chugiak and Knik Arm and in the Mat-Su Borough and the 1.528 million acres of Ahtna Native Regional Corporation land in the Copper River Basin.  

A GPX file of the Eklutna Incorporated lands may be downloaded by clicking here.  An exception to this geocache exclusion is on Eklutna lands administered by Alaska State Parks in Chugach State Park at Eklutna Lake, where caches may be placed under the Alaska State Parks blanket permit.


Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge (includes Potters Marsh)
Joe Meehan, Program Coordinator, Lands and Refuge Program, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Caches are allowed in the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge with careful thought regarding placements that won’t lead to the creation of new “social” trails or disturbing wildlife.  Caches may be placed on the Potters Marsh Boardwalk, but not adjacent to it.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Campbell Tract/Far North Bicentennial Park
Jeff Blume, BLM
Caches are allowed throughout Campbell Tract/Far North Bicentennial Park EXCEPT within 150 feet of a waterway.  The exclusion zone (for geocaches and all other user groups) was created in order to protect the sensitive streamside vegetation, stream banks, and bear feeding areas.  Download this map (pdf, 317KB) for the exclusion zones.  

Chugach State Park
All caches must have the permit number on the inside of the cache along with the cache owner’s contact information.  On the outside of the cache, you must write “Alaska State Parks Permit #15-KA-1994 Geocache AK” in permanent marking.  The current permit number is 15-KA-1994 and is good through 12/31/2020.  Click here to download a copy of the permit and be sure to read all the rules and stipulations on the permit prior to placing your cache.  The cache listing must state “Cache placed under GeocacheAlaska! Park Use Permit #15-KA-1994” within the description section.  In order to speed up publishing a new cache under this permit, write a Reviewer Note that states that you have complied with all terms of this permit and describe your geocache container.  Containers must be durable, watertight, animal-resistant and no greater in size than a “regular” 50-cal ammo can. 

Joint Base Elmendorf AFB/Ft. Richardson (JBER)
All caches are to be disabled or archived effective immediately (April 12, 2009) and must be physically removed by May 1, 2009. Affected caches have had a “Needs Archived” note posted on their cache page. Download this map (7MB pdf) to view the extent of Ft. Richardson/Elmendorf AFB lands.

Update 5/21/12: Regulations prohibit the placement of geocaches on JBER.

Contact: Mark Sledge, Civ USAF PACAF 673 CES/CEANC, 384-1128.

Municipality of Anchorage Parks
Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) parklands are open to geocaching.  GeocacheAlaska! and the MOA have a symbiotic relationship where we host CITO events and teach geocaching as part of MOA’s activities schedule and we get to place caches in Anchorage’s parks.



Interior Alaska

Alaska State Parks Jurisdiction
All caches must have the permit number on the inside of the cache along with the cache owner’s contact information.  On the outside of the cache, you must write “Alaska State Parks Permit #15-KA-1994 Geocache AK” in permanent marking.  The current permit number is 15-KA-1994 and is good through 12/31/2020.  Click here to download a copy of the permit and be sure to read all the rules and stipulations on the permit prior to placing your cache.  The cache listing must state “Cache placed under GeocacheAlaska! Park Use Permit #15-KA-1994” within the description section.  In order to speed up publishing a new cache under this permit, write a Reviewer Note that states that you have complied with all terms of this permit and describe your geocache container.  Containers must be durable, watertight, animal-resistant and no greater in size than a “regular” 50-cal ammo can. 

Alyeska Pipeline/Trans Alaska Pipeline System Right of Way
Geocaches cannot be placed in the pipeline Right-of-Way (ROW).  Alyeska Security is extremely sensitive about people and objects not related to the pipeline within the ROW and conducts routine inspections.

Also, unless a person is currently badged for access to facilities of the TransAlaska Pipeline System (TAPS, aka Alyeska), one must obtain a RUG permit from Alyeska Security to use the TAPS ROW to access other trails. Permits may be obtained at the following locations upon presentation of a photo ID:

Anchorage (3700 Centerpoint, 787-8971)
Fairbanks (701 Bidwell Ave., 787-5707) 
Pump Station 11/Glennallen Response Base, (787-5107)
Valdez (Valdez Marine Terminal, 787-6480)

Permits are free, good for the year issued, and apply to the entire pipeline ROW.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Northern Field Office
White Mountain National Recreation Area, Randy Goodwin
Dalton Highway, Roger Delaney
Fortymile, Jeff Kowalczyk
Caches allowed without permit in most locations except Mt. Prindle, Limestone Jags, Serpentine Slide,  other Research Natural Areas, and Areas of Environmental Concern.

Creamer’s Field Migratory Bird Refuge  
Jason Caikowski or Mark Ross
Caches allowed where hunting is allowed.
Maps available at AK Fish & Game, 1300 College Road

Fairbanks North Star Borough Parks
As of April 11, 2011:
After a careful review of how other communities around the United States manage the placement of Geocaches in their park facilities I concluded that for the time being it seemed over reaching or an overreaction to regulate or restrict this rather benign activity in our park facilities.

With that said if a Geocache attracts garbage, damages trees or other park amenities, is placed in a dangerous location, or because of its popularity creates new unplanned trails or foot paths we will remove it.  Additionally, Geocaches are probably not appropriate in the developed community parks such as Pioneer Park or neighborhood playgrounds.

I think it will be sometime before Fairbanks needs to implement a Geocaching policy like some of the lengthy ones I reviewed from parks near  large metropolitan areas in the lower 48 states. For the time being the Parks and Recreation staff will not disturb the Geocaches that are responsibly placed.


 John Haas
 Parks Superintendent
 FNSB Parks & Recreation
 459-1198 or

If you wish to conduct a GPS or compass navigation training exercise please contact Matt Steffy at Chena Lakes Recreation Area at 488-1655 or Ricky Borland at Birch Hill at 457-4488.  The Fairbanks Parks Superintendent is John Haas, 459-1198.

North Pole Parks
Caches are allowed as long as “there is nothing destructive that will occur to city property or cause a health or safety issue to all park users,” per Bill Butler, Director of City Services (488- 8594 or  City of North Pole managed parks are Terry Miller Park located at 5th and Santa Claus Lane, Hipple Park located at LaSalle Ave. and Homestead Road, and North Pole Skate Board Park located at 5th and Old Richardson Highway.  Bill Butler may be contacted at 488- 8594 or



Southcentral (outside of Anchorage)

Alaska Railroad Right-of-Way
The Alaska Railroad has a legal 100′ Right of Way (ROW) on both sides of the centerline of the tracks.  Geocaches should not be placed inside this ROW for safety reasons with the following exceptions (per Jim Adams, Alaska Railroad Security Agent):

  1. Land on the opposite side of the bicycle trail from the tracks where the bicycle trail falls within the 100′ ROW.
  2. Land within the vehicle transportation corridor including pull outs that falls within the 100′ ROW.  These areas are usually delineated by a fence or guardrail.

People are discouraged from crossing or walking along the tracks for safety reasons.

Note:  Groundspeak imposes a 150′ buffer between caches and tracks unless specific exemptions are identified such as those above.

Chugach National Forest
The ranger staff of Glacier Ranger District (based in Girdwood) of the Chugach National Forest has visited many of the active caches on their part of the Forest, as part of their backcountry patrols. They welcome caching as an activity, as long as cachers keep their hides well-policed, don’t create social trails, don’t promote otherwise illegal activity, and continue to practice CITO.

The rangers remind cachers as well as well as the general public that “it is prohibited to possess or operate a motor vehicle on National Forest System lands on the CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST other than in accordance with these designations (CFR 261.13).  Violators of 36 CFR 261.13 are subject to a fine of up to $5,000, imprisonment for up to 6 months, or both (18 U.S.C. 3571(e)).  This prohibition applies regardless of the presence or absence of signs.”

So, know before you go by downloading Chugach National Forest Motor Vehicle Use Map 1 and Map 2 (~1.2 MB pdfs).

Caches are not allowed in designated Wilderness Areas of Chugach National Forest which is the designation given to much of western Prince William Sound (east of Whittier).  There are also Alaska Native Lands inholdings throughout the Sound that need to be treated as private property.  Download this map to identify the Wilderness areas and refer to the map on page 6 of this Chugach Visitor Guide to identify private lands.

Eklutna Recreation Permits
Permit form for crossing Eklutna land to access the Eklutna Gorge area.  Click here to download permit form.

Kenai City Parks
Per the City of Kenai’s Parks and Recreation manager, geocaches are allowed within any city park as long as they fully comply with the Groundspeak geocache placement guidelines, do not deface or damage or create a condition where geocachers might deface or damage any city property while searching, and they do not create an unsafe situation for geocachers, other park users, or the general public.  

Kenai River Special Management Area, Kachemak Bay State Park, and Prince William Sound/Resurrection Areas under Alaska State Parks Jurisdiction
All caches must have the permit number on the inside of the cache along with the cache owner’s contact information.  On the outside of the cache, you must write “Alaska State Parks Permit #15-KA-1994 Geocache AK” in permanent marking.  The current permit number is 15-KA-1994 and is good through 12/31/2020.  Click here to download a copy of the permit and be sure to read all the rules and stipulations on the permit prior to placing your cache.  The cache listing must state “Cache placed under GeocacheAlaska! Park Use Permit #15-KA-1994” within the description section.  In order to speed up publishing a new cache under this permit, write a Reviewer Note that states that you have complied with all terms of this permit and describe your geocache container.  Containers must be durable, watertight, animal-resistant and no greater in size than a “regular” 50-cal ammo can. 

Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Land ownership information for the entire Mat-Su Borough may be found here.  You will have to manually zoom close enough into the area of interest to see the parcel boundaries and select Measure, Location and pick Degrees or DMS. Coordinates will display when moving the cursor on the map and one can click a specific location on the map to “lock” the coordinates in the display window. uses the DD MM.MMM coordinate format, so the user will need to convert between that format and the format used on the site (by dividing the seconds by sixty to obtain the “.MMM” part of the DD MM.MMM coordinate format or multiplying the “.MMM” part of the DD MM.MMM coordinate format by sixty to obtain the seconds).

Additional property ownership information may be found on the Mat-Su Borough website here and here.

Mat-Su/Copper River Basin Area under Alaska State Parks Jurisdiction
All caches must have the permit number on the inside of the cache along with the cache owner’s contact information.  On the outside of the cache, you must write “Alaska State Parks Permit #15-KA-1994 Geocache AK” in permanent marking.  The current permit number is 15-KA-1994 and is good through 12/31/2020.  Click here to download a copy of the permit and be sure to read all the rules and stipulations on the permit prior to placing your cache.  The cache listing must state “Cache placed under GeocacheAlaska! Park Use Permit #15-KA-1994” within the description section.  In order to speed up publishing a new cache under this permit, write a Reviewer Note that states that you have complied with all terms of this permit and describe your geocache container.  Containers must be durable, watertight, animal-resistant and no greater in size than a “regular” 50-cal ammo can. 

A map for this very large jurisdiction may be found here and a pdf list of locations may be downloaded from here.  

Soldotna City Parks
Per the City of Soldotna’s Parks and Recreation department, geocaches are allowed within any city park as long as they fully comply with the Groundspeak geocache placement guidelines, do not deface or damage or create a condition where geocachers might deface or damage any city property while searching, and they do not create an unsafe situation for geocachers, other park users, or the general public.